Bridging Gaps - Solving Challenges - Always Vigilant

Reliable and Dependable Solutions You Can Trust

We bring US military rigor, and cyber warfare mentality to our operational cybersecurity excellence.

Our suite of comprehensive and tailored solutions prioritizes quality and integrity. We strive to bridge the gap between private sector and Federal Government cyber processes by delivering consistent, process-driven outcomes that seamlessly integrate into each organization.

With decades of experience in Federal policies and practices dedicated to defending national security priorities, we provide expert guidance to management, technical teams, and clients. Our insights not only meet but surpass cybersecurity compliances, objectives, and budgetary considerations.

When plans call for quick, decisive actions, our team employs a methodology and training ingrained with situational awareness and adaptability to secure victories against all odds. We share this methodology with you and your teams, delivering a level of excellence synonymous with U.S. military training.

Our Methodology is Your Game Changer

In empowering businesses with a more structured cyber "playbook," we present an adaptation of the U.S. military's proven methodology for indoctrinating leadership training—regardless of rank. The methodology, encapsulated in the acronym "BAMCIS," when integrated into corporate policy, not only enhances the ability of a cybersecurity team to assess, adapt, and be resilient in changing cyber warfare conditions but also in response to organizational changes.

Partner with us for cybersecurity solutions that not only meet industry standards but exceed expectations, fostering a secure digital environment for your business's sustained success.







Our mission is to close cybersecurity gaps across processes, technologies, policies, and perspectives. 

We empower clients by providing insights to enhance business operations, cybersecurity leadership, and the capability to achieve and maintain compliance.


We consistently approach cybersecurity from the perspective of potential attackers, while prioritizing our client’s business objectives.

Let us focus on what we do best – delivering proven and trusted solutions that integrate seamlessly with compliance and reliability.


Our executives and “operators” come mostly from a military background; equipped with extensive training in discipline, and a prepared mindset.

We are dedicated to protecting, defending, mitigating loss, rapidly adapting, and even taking a leadership role under the changing conditions of cyber warfare.


We're ready to serve you.

Contact us to discuss how we can help and we will be in touch shortly.

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