capabilities and offerings

Cyber BAMCIS Methodology (Brief, Train, Embed, Sustain)

The foundational S3 Cyber methodology for developing and refining decision-making and situational awareness capabilities for leadership roles. Once skilled in BAMCIS, a team becomes more resilient and consistent in its ability to assess, comprehend, decide, and adapt to changing conditions that threaten successful objectives.

IV & V Technology Review

Basic: Independent Verification & Validation (IV & V) for vendors and end-users. IV & V services enable interested parties to receive an analysis of technology’s capabilities to deliver on promised benefits.

Advanced: Includes a Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat Assessment (SWOT): Interested parties receive everything within the Basic Review, as well as a matrixed comparison of other similar competitive technologies utilizing S3 lab testing resources.

Cyber Budget “Right-Sizing”

Addressing the financial questions that perplex budget-holding decision-makers. A service assessment of the client’s existing technologies, policies, personnel and contractors to meet client cybersecurity objectives.

CISO-as-a-Service: An Outsourced Provisioning of a Temporary and/or Part-time

Chief Information Security Officer individual with both significant operational and management cybersecurity experience to augment, replace, or lead a client’s cybersecurity team leadership.

Gap Assessment

A discovery and reporting service to cost-effectively identify “gaps” in a client’s ability to execute on its stated cybersecurity objectives.

Zero Trust Environment "ZTE"

As-Is advisory and/or delivery (hosted, on-premises, or hybrid) where S3 Cyber will build a Zero Trust Environment

"Walls of Tartarus"

A customized security solution designed and embedded with fluidity and resilience techniques and capabilities to confuse adversaries and cause them to look to other targets to attack.

Secure/Optimize Remote Workforce

Includes a detailed review and gap assessment of current/future conditions to secure and optimize the operations of a remote workforce.

Managed Secure Service Provider “MSSP”

Establishment of a centralized, streamlined cybersecurity services entity outside from the client’s locations to deliver a portfolio of hosted secure capabilities in support of the client’s business operations. SOW includes design, application hosting, experienced cybersecurity personnel, monitoring, SIEM, alerting, billing and support.

Advisory and Engineering for Security Architecture, Security Operation Centers and Solutioning

Secure Cloud Transitioning

Outsourced cybersecurity expertise to support a client’s move or partial move to cloud and/or hybrid cloud environments.

Briefings, Public Speaking and Recommendations for Compliance & Adoption of Federal Government Cyber Standards

bridging gaps - solving challenges - always vigilant

When is Enough, Enough?

Anyone online is on the battlefield of a global cyber war. If you're going to fight a cyber war, you'll need trained warriors following leadership training proven successful by the United States Marine Corps and adapted for the cyber domain by former military cyber warriors.


An executable process to better plan, prepare and choose best solutions.


B- Begin Planning: Initial evaluation of the information.

A- Arrange Reconnaissance: Prioritize the information based on the impact to the plan and timeline.

M- Make Reconnaissance: Make a plan to gather the information.

C- Complete Reconnaissance: Make necessary modifications and finalize the plan.

I- Issue the Order: Ensure your team understands the plan as thoroughly as possible.

S- Supervise Activities: Ensure work associated with the plan is complete.