In an Era of Generative AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous sectors, and cybersecurity is no exception. However, the advent of generative AI models presents both opportunities and challenges. While these models can enhance security measures, they also pose significant threats, if misused. Though, the biggest challenge we face is – what level of laziness is this bringing to the InfoSec world, and do we need intelligent people to serve the organizations to protect them from threats? Development of AI software is based on the accuracy of its data sources. The accounting term is “garbage in/garbage out.” Who’s continually scrubbing the source data for vulnerabilities and inaccuracies? The real question is, what risk are you bringing into the organization under the guise of progress? A Trojan Horse?

The Power of Generative AI in Cybersecurity

Generative AI refers to models that can generate new data that mimic the distribution of a given dataset. In cybersecurity, these models can be used to predict and counteract cyber threats. For instance, generative AI can create simulations of potential cyber-attacks, allowing security teams to develop and test their defenses.

Moreover, generative AI can help in automating the process of threat detection. By learning from past cyber-attacks, these models can generate patterns of malicious activities, enabling quicker identification of threats.

The Dark Side of Generative AI

Despite its benefits, generative AI can be a potent tool in the hands of cybercriminals. Not to mention the breeding grounds for lazy InfoSec teams and over-reliance on tools, that are generically tuned out-of-the-box and aren’t properly tuned for your environment.

Businesses are trying to push for Generative AI in their environments without due diligence. The race to be first is pushing InfoSec teams to scramble to find controls to be put in place to protect organizations. This is where the mindset, “we are compliant, so we are protected” comes into play.

We shouldn’t be looking for the next shiny object to push our businesses forward. We should be intelligently focused on how to drive business and industry while respecting our role in the supply chain. All the talk around how to protect the supply chain, how do we detect threats quicker and respond even faster – will always be a challenge.


The integration of generative AI in cybersecurity presents a paradox. On one hand, it offers promising solutions to enhance security measures. On the other, it can be weaponized to carry out sophisticated cyber-attacks. The risks it can bring into an organization along with the supply chain, could, potentially, be irreversible and we are left in the same state we were in when we opened the internet up to the public.

Like any other tool, controls are key to the success of ensuring proper security in an environment. Adding things to your environment can put you in the position where YOU are the breakdown in the supply chain. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.