3 Most Important Topics for CEOs to Consider

Former CEO of #7-Eleven and #Blockbuster, Jim Keyes identifies the following 3 most important topics for CEOs to consider:


CHANGE EQUALS OPPORTUNITY. People hate change. Change is reality. If you embrace it and others don’t, change can be turned into shareholder value and can be increased. Change is inevitable in all aspects of cybersecurity for both the attackers and the targets. Not changing increases the likelihood of attack since attackers carry out their attacks based on their reconnaissance (aka data gathering). Targeted end users who never or infrequently don’t change what the attacker found as weaknesses, will suffer.

Cyber BAMCIS training teaches how to view your situation and how to stay ahead of attackers.



You can’t succeed when you’re afraid. Overcome fear with knowledge. WHEN THINGS CHANGE, PEOPLE LACK CONFIDENCE. It’s all about preparation. The more you prepare, the more you’re going to win.

The threat of a cyber attack is listed as a top fear of company executives from the C-suite to the front line IT personnel, mostly because it’s fear of the unknown. Continuous training – using proven methods for staying ahead of, and defending against cyber attacks – increases confidence. However, confidence should never turn into complacency.



KEEP THINGS SIMPLE SO PEOPLE UNDERSTAND. You can’t lead, if those around you can’t understand. The key is to break down complex problems so everyone understands.

A simple to understand, proven methodology like Cyber BAMCIS is crystal clear for ongoing training and communication across every organization at every phase of the BAMCIS process. Once those who are trained understand the process, ongoing training can be repeated and evaluated to identify weaknesses in cyber-related decision-making.

“Marines learn, from the first day of recruit training, to do what is right in the face of overwhelming adversity. To help distinguish what is right, we are taught about our Marine Corps’ core values of #honor, #courage, and #commitment.”


Our plan for success: Cyber BAMCIS

❌ Not for #complacency.

❌ Not for #compliance.

❌ Not to get by.

❌ Not to do only what’s expected.